by Kelly Atkinson | Dec 29, 2022 | WOD
EMOM x 5 (20 mins) 1: 7 strict pull ups 2: 7 strict HSPU 3: 14 pistols 4: 30s L sit hold 2 rounds: Within a 5 minute window 60/50 calories Remaining time max double unders Rest 1...
by Kelly Atkinson | Dec 28, 2022 | WOD
Thursday 29th Front squats + back squats E2M x 7 (14 minutes) 5 front squats @ 75% into 7 back squats (same weight) B. Build to a heavy complex 1 Strict press 3 push press 5 push jerk C. For time 20 clean and jerks...
by Kelly Atkinson | Dec 27, 2022 | WOD
In pairs: 1 round: 21-18-15-12-9-6 Thrusters (40/30) KBS (32/24) Goblet squats (32/24) 16 calories after each round 5 rounds: 10 synchro toes to bar 10 bear...
by Kelly Atkinson | Dec 23, 2022 | WOD
In a team of 3 3 rounds: 24 synchro lunges 12 wall walks (split) 24 KBS PP (2 people are planking at the same time as the 3rd person swings) (32/24) 2022m row/ ski split as needed 4 rounds of: 12 synchro burpees 24...
by Kelly Atkinson | Dec 22, 2022 | WOD
12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS 1: cluster (60/40) 2: burpees over bar 3: front squat 4: STOH 5: toes to bar 6: cal bike 7: deadlifts 8: pistols 9: KBS 10: pull ups 11: snatches 12: x 25m shuttles OR 120 double...