CrossFit Chester 01/02/2023

HAPPY 1ST FEB! In Pairs  4 rounds  60 wall balls 30 hang snatches (40/30) or 22.5/15 DB 30 pull ups  30 bike cals  Time remaining  30 STOH  20 synchro squats  10 bar muscle...

CrossFit Chester 31/01/2023

A. Front Squats  3 x 5 @ 75% – less rest between these sets only 3 x 2 @ 85%  1 x 2 @ 90%  1 x 1 @ 95%  B. EMOM x 10  6-12 toes to bar  Rx: 12  Scaled: 6  Ideally unbroken sets  EMOM x 5  30s Hollow hold  15s Superman...

CrossFit Chester 30/01/2023

Snatch prep primer: 2 behind the neck snatch push press + 2 snatch balance + 2 overhead squat  Build to a heavy complex  1 Snatch  1 OHS  Alternatively lets work on a heavy OHS double.  B. AMRAP 3  Ladder reps  (+2)  2 OHS (40/30)  2...


Endurance  8 rounds 400m run  400m erg  40 double unders OR hop overs  Into steady machine work for the time remaining