CrossFit Chester 22/12/2022

A. Gymnastics EMOM 10 Even minutes: 10 pull ups  Odd minutes: 10 90 degree angle kips  EMOM 10  Even: 14 toes to bar  Odd: 30s plank hold  B. 5 rounds  1 minute of SDLHP  1 minute of max effort double unders  1 minute...

CrossFit Chester 21/12/2022

OPEN WORKOUT 21.2  For time: 10 dumbbell snatches15 burpee box jump-overs20 dumbbell snatches15 burpee box jump-overs30 dumbbell snatches15 burpee box jump-overs40 dumbbell snatches15 burpee box jump-overs50 dumbbell snatches15 burpee box jump-overs Time cap: 20 min....

CrossFit Chester 20/12/2022

A. Snatch warm up  EMOM (0-15)  0-5 : 1 snatch deadlift + 1 hang high pull + 1 muscle snatch 5-10: 1 Hang power + 1 OHS  10-15: 1 hang squat + 1 OHS  (Not an EMOM)  15-20: Find a heavy hang snatch (within 5 minutes)  B. 5 rounds:  Even minutes: 1...

CrossFit Chester 19/12/2022

A. 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 Building to a heavy overhead squat. You’ll have 3 attempts at a heavy single  B. For tine: 50 wall balls  40 Overhead squats (40/30)  30 power snatches  20 burpees over bar  10 front...