CrossFit Chester 29/04/2022

A. Working on strict HSPU into strict pull ups  Aim for 5-4-3-2-1 but keep a consistent pace.  Option 2: stick with 2 reps each round  Option 3: Strict box piked press ups  Into ring rows For time  10 rounds 6 devils press (22.5/15) 6 box...

CrossFit Chester 28/04/2022

A, Snatch grip deadlifts  You’ll use 90% of your max snatch – if you don’t know then you’ll be guided with what to use  3 x 9  4 x 1 power snatch (75-80%)  3 x 1 power snatch (80-85%)  B. For time:  1000m row  100 air squats  100 double...

CrossFit Chester 27/04/2022

AMRAP 10 REST 2 minutes between the AMRAPS  32 Thrusters (60/40)  64 Wall balls  32 Hang power cleans  AMRAP 10  32 Pull ups  32 Toes to bar  32 Pistols  AMRAP 10  20 Synchro burpees  400m...

CrossFit Chester 26/04/2022

A. Tempo back squats  Using 70%  4 x 4 – 4 2 0 0  Into 14  reverse KB lunges  B. HSPU drills  10 minute time cap: Gymnastic AMRAP  5-4-3-2-1 Strict Pull ups /C2B/ muscle ups  Wall walks  Kipping...

CrossFit Week

Keep your diary free JUNE 11th individual in house comp 🙂 All day work (9-3 ish) Monday: Clean and jerks  Tuesday: Squat day + HSPU drills  Wednesday: Partner work Thursday: Deadlifts + Snatch Friday: Heavy...