CrossFit Chester 01/12/2022

Remember it’s our day/night out tomorrow!! Build to a heavy 5 rep of each  A. 5 Deadlifts  B. 5 Bench press  C. Handstand press ups – Work on this skill for 10 minutes. Try a weighted vest or deficit if you’re confident with this movement.  Into ...

CrossFit Chester 30/11/2022

Every 7 minutes x 5  The aim here is to push through the round and fully rest before the next 7 thrusters (60/40)  20 DB snatches (x1 22.5/15) 7 power cleans (60/40)  20 double unders  7 chest to bar pull ups  20 air...

CrossFit Chester 29/11/2022

A. Front squat waves  2 rounds:  3 @ 75%  2 @ 80%  1 @ 85%  3 @ 77%  2 @ 82%  1 @ 87% B. 3 rounds for time:  20 (front squats 40/30)  10 hang power snatches  5 burpees over...

CrossFit Chester 28/11/2022

A. Split jerks  Build to a heavy single for the day  B. Into 3 sets:  1 clean pull  1 clean  2 split jerks  @ 70% of A C. AMRAP 1 rest 1 x 6  7 Power cleans (60/40)  7 STOH  7 air squats  Start from where you’ve left...

CrossFit Chester 25/11/2022

A. Behind the neck snatch grip push press  3 x 5  B. Snatch balance 3 x 5 @ 70% of max snatch OR snatch balance  C. E2M x 7  1 snatch complex:  1 snatch deadlift + 1 high pull + 1 snatch  B. AMRAP 4  10 Power snatch (60/40)  8...