CrossFit Chester 01/08/2022

A. 15 minutes working on improving your Squat snatches ready for the coming weeks – less about weight on the bar and more about moving well  B. OHS 2×2 @ 85% resting 60s between sets  Into 2×3 @ 85% resting as needed  C. Karen  150 wall balls for...

CrossFit Chester 29/07/2022

A. Power snatch  Find a heavy 3 rep (not touch and go)  B. 4 sets 20s chin over bar hold into 4-8 kipping pull ups/swings into a 10s dead hang hold C. AMRAP 3 rest 1 AMRAP 3 10 Squat jumps  10 hang power snatches  10 press...

CrossFit Chester 28/07/2022

3 sets: 9 Sumo deadlifts  12 Bench (start at 65% and build)  15 Tricep Extensions  B. Using your 1rm OHS for 4 x 2 @ 85%  Resting 90s between sets of OHS  C. AMRAP 10: Follow the leader  400/300m row into 15 bike cals- when your partner is off the rower...

CrossFit Chester 27/07/2022

SOLO Kelly  5 rounds for time:  400m run  30 box jumps  30 wall balls  On completion rest 4 minutes  AMRAP  12 double DB lunges  12 renegade rows  12 Single arm devils...

CrossFit Chester 26/07/2022

A. Strict press negatives – 4 x 1 with a 6 second negative  B. Split Jerks (20 minutes)  Starting weight – 90% of strict press and build to a heavy set of 3  C. AMRAP 7  6 pull ups  6 clean and jerks (60/40)  6 burpees over...