CrossFit Chester

The Workouts Of the Day can be found via the WodBoard app You’ll have access to the programming, along with leaderboards and more information about movements. Looking to join? Drop us a message of use this link for more information:...

CrossFit Chester 05/04/2023

Gymnastics conditioning  EMOM 36 minutes (x6)  1: 10 Toes to bar  2: 19/16 calories  3: 20s hollow hold 4: 10 pull ups  5: 7 ring dips  6: resting minute 

CrossFit Chester 04/04/2023

A. A. E2M for 10 minutes  5 Back squats at 70% of 5rm or 8rm  2 front squats  B. 3 x 1 front squats – build on heavy legs not a max out just a heavy single  B. 5 rounds for time:  200m run  40 double unders  10 press...