by Kelly Atkinson | Mar 31, 2022 | WOD
A. Build to a heavy complex 1 power clean + 1 squat clean (you can drop between reps for a quick reset) B. 3 rounds: 10 clean and jerks (60/40) 400m run 10 burpees over bar
by Kelly Atkinson | Mar 31, 2022 | WOD
2 x 1500m row 2 x 800 m run 2 x 1000m 2 x 600m run 2 x 500m 2 x 400m run
by Kelly Atkinson | Mar 30, 2022 | WOD
5 x 2 snatch at 80% of your 1rm from last week 5 x 2 snatch balance start at 75,80 % then for the final 3 sets build to your heaviest 2 6 sets: 10 KB side bends (each side) 20s hollow hold
by Kelly Atkinson | Mar 30, 2022 | WOD
A. Spend 15 minutes working on drills Russian dips & low ring muscle up turnover B. EMOM: 10 1-3 muscle ups / 3-5 strict C2B / 10s chin over bar hold C. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 KBS (24/16) Hollow rocks Press...
by Kelly Atkinson | Mar 29, 2022 | WOD
In Pairs : 10-20-30-20-10 Synchro Air squats Down ups On to: 3 rounds: 60 pistols 50 hang power cleans (60/40) 40 pull ups 30 strict...