CrossFit Chester 01/06/2022

In pairs:  AMRAP 7 20 Hang clean and jerks (60/40)  15 synchro toes to bar  10 Thrusters  AMRAP 7  20 KBS (32/24)  15 STOH (60/40)  10 muscle ups  AMRAP 7  20 Calories  15 synchro burpees  10 power snatch ...

CrossFit Chester 31/05/2022

Deadlifts 4 x 10 Using 705 / Build to 75 if it feels good  B. Tempo front squats  4 x 1 at 70/75% of your front squat  4 3 3 C. 3 rounds for time:  10 wall balls  10 DB devils press (x1)  10 DB...

CrossFit Chester 27/05/2022

A. Superset:  5-4-3-2-1 Strict press (ending on a heavy 1 but not a max out, all successful lifts)  B. 3 z 12 Bent over rows  C. Push jerks  6 x 2  D. 5 rounds:  1 minute on 30s rest 5 cleans (70% of your max)  Max effort wall...

CrossFit Chester 26/05/2022

A. Deadlifts  6 x 8  Starting the first set at 60% of your max then build with 75-80% being your ending set %  B. Narrow position double DB bench press  3 x 15  C. 5-4-3-2-1 Kipping HSPU (to a deficit if you can)  20 / 15 calories after each...