by Kelly Atkinson | Oct 31, 2022 | WOD
Partner workout Partner 1 begins with the 21 (of the first movement) then partner 2 completes 21 reps of the first movement (only one works, the other rests) 21-15-9 Calories Thrusters (40/30 21-15-9 HSPU Hang squat...
by Kelly Atkinson | Oct 30, 2022 | WOD
Dead-stop deadlifts 1 x 6 @ 70% 3 x 3 @ 80% B. 5 rounds – REST 1 minute after each completed round 15 wall balls 20 DB hang snatches (22.5/15) 10 toes to bar
by Kelly Atkinson | Oct 27, 2022 | WOD
A. Squats Back squats – using your heavy 5 from last week (or roughly 70% of your max) 4 x 3 B. Front squats 3 x 14 at 55% of your max C. 4 rounds for time: 30 wall balls 30 DB clean and jerks (x1...
by Kelly Atkinson | Oct 27, 2022 | WOD
On the minutes for 20 minutes 1: 17/14 calories 2: 12 wall balls 3: 45s D Ball hold4: 45s plank hold AMRAP 7 50 double unders 13 toes to bar 13 DB snatches (22.5/15)
by Kelly Atkinson | Oct 25, 2022 | WOD
A. WARM UP 2 rounds: 12 tuck to handstand 1 minute freestanding handstand 12 scap pull ups 5 strict pull ups B. E2MOM for 20 minutes 1 Clean and jerk Starting at 70% or a solid 7/10 effort and build from there C. For time 50 burpees...