by Kelly Atkinson | Nov 23, 2022 | WOD
A. Superset: 5×5 Back squats @ 70% Strict press @ 70% The aim here is to minimise resting periods B. Muscle up turnovers Working on ring muscle up turnovers and better dip positioning INTO AMRAP 7 5 dips or 5 ring muscle ups Resting 30s...
by Kelly Atkinson | Nov 22, 2022 | WOD
Secret Santa begins today. Grab a name and lets get merry! A few of you have contributed your very own special bauble to the Christmas tree over the years, please feel free to do the same if you’d like to add a little bit of yourself to the tree. Not tinsel though .....
by Kelly Atkinson | Nov 21, 2022 | WOD
A. Clean and jerk prep positioning then building – if we think of the open we need to be prepared to lift heavier loads under fatigue. Here comes the open! B. Every 5 minutes x 5 5 clean and jerks @ 75% 25 wall balls 20 toes to...